Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III Film

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III Cover

Filmdaten Übersicht

Originaltitel: Gômon kifujin
Herstellungsland: Japan
Erscheinungsjahr: 1987
Genre: Science-Fiction, Sex, Splatter



Shock Entertainment

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III
Cover A

Shock Entertainment

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III
Cover B

Shock Entertainment

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III

Rusted Body: Guts of a Virgin III
Cover C

Blu-ray/DVD: Shock Entertainment - Cover A (Uncut Version)
Blu-ray/DVD: Shock Entertainment - Cover B (Uncut Version)
Blu-ray/DVD: Shock Entertainment - Cover C (Uncut Version)